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How to Write the Discussion Chapter of a Thesis

The discussion chapter of a thesis is mainly aimed at explaining the relevance, implications, and significance of research results. It is where the scholar should showcase their critical thinking and analytical skills by demonstrating how their research findings give answers to the raised research questions, or test the hypothesis stated at the introduction. One must give a detailed discussion of the results in order to lay a foundation for the general conclusion chapter of the thesis, and ensure that the results presented align well with the research questions and objectives.

Discussion Chapter of a Thesis

Purpose of Discussion Chapter in a Thesis

This chapter involves summarizing the findings obtained from the methodology chapter, interpreting them, and a statement of the scholar’s opinions and stand pertaining the research results. The importance of this chapter cannot be overemphasized because of the following reasons:

  • It gives answers to the research questions formulated at the introduction of the thesis.
  • An effective discussion chapter demonstrates how the solutions to those questions and hypothesis were reinforced by the research.
  • It elaborates how the findings align with the existing knowledge, or how they contribute to new knowledge in one’s research topic.
  • It gives one an opportunity to judgmentally evaluate and justify their research.

This chapter is considered very important in a thesis and should be written with great care and keenness. In case one experiences difficulties, they should seek thesis chapter four writing help from professional thesis discussion writers. These are able to offer the best discussion writing service and produce a flawless, high-quality discussion chapter.

Elements of the Discussion Chapter

Understanding how to write an effective discussion chapter requires an excellent knowledge of the main elements to focus on. These include a summary of the findings, interpretations, implications, limitations, and recommendations, as discussed below.

1. Summary of Research Findings

It is a common practice among scholars to begin the chapter by summarizing the major findings and results of their research. However, one must be keen not to repeat the data that has already been given in other chapters of the thesis.

2. Interpretations of the Research Results and Findings

The readers expect to be provided with clear interpretations and meanings of the research results. The interpretation must demonstrate a clear link to the research questions and objectives as well as the additional contribution of the research to what is already known about the topic. The strategies adopted in interpretation depends on the type and nature of research conducted. while writing this section of the discussion chapter, one must explain whether or not the results adequately answered research questions, approved or disapproved hypothesis, achieved the objectives, the relationship between the findings and previously conducted studies, and the significant of unexpected results in case of any.

3. Implications of the Research Findings

After interpreting the research findings, it is important to demonstrate their relationship to the academic works explored in the literature review chapter of the dissertation. Effective findings should be able to fit in the existing knowledge in the discipline, demonstrate additional value, and significance in real-life and theory.

4. Limitations of the Research

To enhance the credibility of the research, it is important to acknowledge the obstacles and limitations encountered during the research, and how significant such obstacles are in the research findings and conclusions. Limitations arising from the sample size that could hinder generalizability, shortcomings faced during collection and analysis of data and their impact on the findings should be highlighted. Despite the limitations, the scholar should be able to convince the readers on the accuracy, validity and reliability of the results and how they answer the research questions.

5. Recommendations for Future Research

After highlighting the limitations of the research as well as their impact, one should give tangible ideas for further research that can be established on the areas that their research could not address.

Tips for Writing the Discussion Chapter of a Thesis

The following tips can help scholars to design a perfect discussion chapter for their thesis:

1. Having a Clear Understanding of the Research Objectives

The research objectives must be designed and planned in the mind of the scholar before commencing the research works. It is the objectives that give guidance on how to carry out the research processes. In the discussion chapter, one must assess whether the research conducted has adequately addressed the set objectives. The direction for the discussion is based on such assessment.

2. Clearly Structure the Discussion Chapter

Writing this section of a thesis requires organizing the points into different segments in a logical course from results to their implications. The structure depends on the topic of research.

3. Proper Usage of Tense and Grammar

When grammar and tense are not used properly, they can have the worst negative effect on the discussion chapter and the entire thesis. The past and present tenses should be correctly used according to the context. The discussion chapter should be written in the required tense, according to format guidelines.

4. Refer Back to Literature Review and Research Hypothesis

It is important to refer to the literature review so as to put the discussion chapter in context as part of the thesis. One should also explain how the research findings relate to the hypothesis stated at the introduction.

Chapter Writing Help

5. Evaluation of the Results in Comparison with Existing Literature

The discussion chapter of a thesis involves conducting a complete analysis of the results after completely researching on whether they agree or conflict with previous studies. The purpose of this comparison is to link the research to existing relevant database and establish a foundation for the conclusions.

6. Propose the Impact and Explain the Significance of the Findings

Proposing the effect of the research findings on the topic that was being addressed in the thesis should part of the scholar’s goals. The solution proposed depends on the nature of the problem being researched on, such as change of behavior, effecting a certain policy, or an orthodox practice. This contribution demonstrates the significance and impacts of one’s thesis.

7. A Proper Understanding of the Research Limitations

When writing the discussion chapter of a thesis, one must evaluate and acknowledge the limitations of their research. It is also important to compare with the strengths or weaknesses of other studies if any was noticed during literature review.

8. Edit and Proofread

Editing and proofreading the discussion chapter helps in making it flawless, informative and well-structured. Discussion writing experts can provide the assistance to edit a thesis discussion chapter so that the scholar doesn’t have to worry about the accuracy, grammar, consistency, and even structure of the document.

Steps to Follow When Writing the Discussion Chapter

The discussion chapter should be brief and enticing to the readers so as to clearly pass its intended message. However, one should make sure that, even with the brevity, the chapter must completely state and explain the findings as well as defending the conclusions; providing a clear distinction between the research facts and scholar’s speculations. To achieve this, one should keep in mind the following steps:

  • The structure and organization of the chapter should demonstrate a clear transition from the constricted limits of the research to the overall structure requirement for the subject or department.
  • One should maintain consistency in the use of important terms, tense, and view point as they did in the introduction.
  • A review of the research questions should be followed by factually supported answers from the research findings.
  • The scholar should provide explanation on the relationship between their findings and the existing literature on the topic, and the alignment of the results to what is already known concerning the subject.
  • All the findings concerning the research topic must be given attention regardless of their statistical significance.
  • It is important to use figures where relevant to improve the readers understanding about the patterns, major relationships, and ideologies arising from the research findings.
  • After giving the answers to the research questions, one should defend them by explaining their validity and demonstrating the limitations found in others’ answers, that necessitated further studies.
  • Any conflicting information in one’s findings must be identifies, discussed, and evaluated in order to successfully convince the audience and make them impressed by the exact value and contribution the research has to offer.
  • In a separate paragraph, one should highlight and describe any unexpected findings, potential limitations, and any obstacles faced during the research. Their influence on the findings validity and their interpretation should also be explained.
  • Summarize the major implications of the research results regardless of whether they are statistically significant or not.
  • Any other important and relevant thing should be discussed with brevity and specificity.

Mistakes to Avoid when Writing the Discussion Chapter

The following are some of the common mistakes that scholars should avoid to make their discussion chapters more effective:

  • Duplicating the Content

Duplication of content in the discussion chapter occurs when one repeats the same information that they have already presented in graphs or charts. This should be avoided because it nullifies the purpose of having the graphs or figures in the discussion. It is also important to note that, graphs or figures should not be just inserted anyhow without any explanation whatsoever.

  • Over Interpretation of the Results

There must be evidence-based interpretation for every argument from the collected data; otherwise the research will be questioned and considered bogus at the mention of findings and interpretations that cannot be supported by facts.

  • Speculation

Speculating in the discussion chapter of a thesis weakens the credibility of one’s research because, ideally, this chapter should be founded on facts from the collected data and the link between the findings and the research questions.

  • Re-stating the Research Results

Too much repetition may cause boredom when reading the discussion chapter. If the readers must be reminded of the research findings, then it is better to tell them the implications and suggestions of certain findings instead of just re-stating them.

  • Introduction of New Results

When writing the discussion chapter of a thesis, one should be careful not to bring in any new results during interpretation of the findings, that were not mentioned before or lacks evidence back up.

  • Over-using the First Person and Active voice

Using the first person excessively in the discussion chapter should be avoided because it can distract the readers from the action and the main points to the doer.

Coming up with conclusions that are not derivable from the collected data

These mistakes can be avoided by strictly bearing in mind that, the discussion chapter is only meant for interpretation and explanation of the research findings in relation to the existing literature on the topic, providing answers to the research questions posed at the introduction, and critically evaluating one’s research.

Discussion Chapter Writing Services

Take-Home Message

Having understood how to write a superb discussion chapter of a thesis from this article, it is important to keep the following in mind so as not to struggle when writing the chapter four.

  • Always remember to put the discussion chapter in context using the literature review. This is because the general significance of one’s research is greatly influenced by their involvement with previous researches and what is already known about the topic.
  • One should compare their research results with existing researches. The fact that one’s results approve or conflict with the previous studies analyzed should be explained. This comparison provides an opportunity to link their research to a debate and a basis on which to draw conclusions.
  • Every research work has limitations. One has to understand and acknowledge the limitations of their study and comparatively argue them against other studies strengths and weaknesses.
  • It is okay to twist the literature review especially when thesis is tackling a long-term project. This is because it is usual for the focus to change with time and the scholar needs to modify the literature review’s focus in order to accommodate such changes.

The discussion chapter is a very important section of a thesis or dissertation. To write it successfully, the scholars have to equip themselves with excellent relevant skills and give it enough time without rushing just to get to the finishing “line”. One has to be composed and fresh in mind in order to fully explore their research findings and contextualize them in relation to the existing studies in the subject field, and give innovative and unique ideas from their research. Based on the importance and significance attached to this chapter in a thesis, it is prudent to always remember the essence and goals of this chapter throughout the writing process. Following the advice offered in this article can help the scholar articulate their research ideas with ease, develop and write excellent discussion chapters for their research papers.

However, in case of unavoidable circumstances or extreme scenarios, seeking thesis chapter four writing help can be considered a good option. This help can be obtained from professional thesis discussion writers who have maintained a good history of offering the best discussion writing service. Because of their availability online, these writers have been of great help and are known for coming to the rescue of many scholars by writing the discussion chapter on behalf of the scholar. This ensures that they meet the given deadlines and do not have to defer their graduation because of unfinished projects. In case one is completely out of time, they can also consider to buy a thesis discussion chapter that is already written and fits their needs. Finally, editing and proofreading remains a requirement before submitting a thesis or any other scholarly assignments.


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