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Get Help to Do Logistic Regression in SPSS

Logistic regression in SPSS is a data analysis method used to model the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. For example, logistic regression can be used in finance to assess the probability of a borrower defaulting on a loan based on financial history, income, and credit score, i.e., the binary dependent variable is defaulting on the loan, and the independent variables are the financial history, income, and their credit score. Our services offer logistic regression analysis using Statistical Package of Software Sciences (SPSS) to predict the probability of a binary event occurring.

SPSS is a software tool used to perform logistic regression and other analyses. SPSS software ranks 1st among the top 48 statistical software. This is because SPSS brings its predictive features to the data provided, thus making it suitable for logistic regression. In this article, we discuss how to perform logistic regression in SPSS, the assumptions to be made when carrying out logistic regression, and offer guidance for seeking help for logistic regression services.Logistic Regression in SPSS

What are the Assumptions of Logistic Regression Analysis in SPSS?

In logistic regression, ensuring the validity of your model involves checking a couple of assumptions. This is important because the accuracy of the model’s predictions depends on meeting these assumptions. Here are the main assumptions:

Assumption 1: Dependent variable

The dependent variable should be dichotomous. This means that it should have two outcomes. An example is such as in the case study given before, the dichotomous variables are either default or no default on the loan.

Assumption 2: Independence of observations

The observations should be independent of each other, and there should be no repeated values in the data.

Assumption 3: Linear relationship between continuous variables

There should be a linear relationship between the continuous independent variables and the log odds of the dependent variable. This can be checked using the Box-Tidwell test.

Assumption 4: Presence of one or more independent variables

You should have one or more independent variables which can either be continuous or categorical. Continuous variables are quantitative variables that take an infinite number of values, while categorical variables are those that take on a fixed number of values, such as gender or race.

Steps to Perform Logistic Regression in SPSS

Logistic regression in SPSS involves a series of steps that transform raw data into meaningful insights. Before running a logistic regression analysis, ensure that your data is correctly formatted in SPSS and fits into the assumptions as required. Here is a step-by-step guide to performing logistic regression in SPSS:

Step 1: Go to the main logistic regression menu

  • Click on analyze > regression > binary logistic

Step 2: Select the dependent variable

  • Move your binary dependent variable to the dependent box and the independent variables to the covariates box.

Step 3: Set options

  • Click on ‘Categorical’ to define the reference category. Click on options to select additional statistics such as Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit and others.

Step 4: Run the analysis

  • Click on the continue button to return to the logistic regression box then click ok to generate the output.

Interpreting the Output of Logistic Regression in SPSS

When carrying out logistic regression in SPSS, several tables of output are generated. However, the three main tables are:

Variables in the equation

This table shows the summary significance of each independent variable, the probability of a borrower defaulting on a loan and its importance. It provides coefficients [B], standard errors [S.E], Wald statistics, and significance levels [Sig.]. The logistic regression equation is:

Log ( p/(1-p)) = βο+βı Xı+⋯βn Xn

Where p is the probability of the outcome being 1,
βο is the intercept,
χı, χn and βı, βn  are the co-efficient of predictor variables.

Below is the table:







Exp [B]

Financial history














Credit score







Employment stability














According to the results acquired, we conclude that all the factors included in the model are statistically significant because all their p-values are <0.05. All the factors contribute significantly to the model.

Model summary

The model summary table contains –2 log likelihood, Cox & Snell R Square, and Nagelkerke R Square values, which are used to calculate the variations.

Classification table

The classification table shows the predicted versus the actual classifications to give a sense of accuracy. The classification table usually provides information about the share of cases that had the characteristic, the cases lacking the characteristic, and the percentage accuracy.

Why You Should Get Help with Logistic Regression from Our Company

Our professionals have extensive experience in statistical analysis and can manage complex data sets and apply advanced techniques to ensure accurate analysis of your data.

Instead of struggling with complex data sets and statistical software, our statisticians handle the entire process, from data preparation to data interpretation, thus leaving you to focus on other parts of your project.

Quality is our priority. Our expert statisticians ensure that your logistic regression models are valid, thus providing reliable results.

Every project has its uniqueness, and so are our solutions. Our statisticians give a customized approach to meet your specific research questions, ensuring that the logistic regression analysis aligns with your study requirements.

Our company has a proven track record of successfully assisting researchers with logistic regression services. Our satisfied clients testify to the effectiveness of our services.

Benefits of Hiring Logistic Regression Services

Conducting data analysis through logistic regression in SPSS can be complex, but it is important to make decisions in various fields such as healthcare and marketing. Getting logistic regression services helps conduct data analysis. So, what are the benefits of hiring these services?

  • Logistic regression services provide access to expert statisticians who are equipped with the necessary expertise.
  • Expert statisticians provide a detailed interpretation of the results, therefore helping you understand the results of the logistic regression analysis.
  • Logistic regression services ensure that the analysis meets professional standards, hence enhancing the reliability of your research.


Logistic regression in SPSS is a valuable tool for researchers across various fields. Researchers can improve the quality of their analysis by seeking help with logistic regression in SPSS services. If you’re looking for expert assistance with logistic regression, don’t hesitate to reach out to professional services. Ready to improve your logistic regression analysis? Contact our expert logistic regression services today for any inquiries and take the first step toward achieving accurate research outcomes!

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